Gönül Mutfağı

How to Support?

We need everyone who follows and wants to contribute to Heart Kitchen!

To support individually, you can:

You can contribute to our visibility and attract more volunteers to join us by sharing our social media posts on your personal accounts or by announcing your experiences in our kitchen!

Click for our Instagram address, @gonulmutfagimiz

To support institutionally;

You can contact us by calling the communication line at 0532 384 57 11.

Contact Us

Yunus Emre mahallesi Şehit Astsubay İlker Düzova Caddesi Maydanoz Park Yanı İbrahim Çeçen Vakfı Konteyner Kent 31300 İskenderun/Hatay

For Corporate Support

+90 532 384 57 11



Social media

You can contribute to our visibility and attract more volunteers to join us by sharing our social media posts on your personal accounts or by announcing your experiences in our kitchen!
